Hair loss is a problem that faces millions of people, including men, women and even children. The market for products that promise hair growth is vast, but many of these products are either excessively expensive or completely ineffectual. There is a natural remedy for hair loss that has existed for ages. Aloe vera has been used by many different cultures to stimulate hair growth, and it is safe, natural and affordable. Most people already know that Aloe Vera is a miraculous plant when it comes to treating burns. There are also many great Aloe Vera skin care products on the market, including Aloe Vera cosmetics. Aloe Vera The Aloe Vera plant is packed with some of same the vitamins and minerals which make up our own bodies. So much so that perhaps no other plant more closely matches the human body’s biochemistry. This helps makes Aloe Vera an excellent treatment for hair loss.  It’s no secret that Aloe Vera is good for your hair and scalp. Aloe Vera shampoos have been around for years. When it comes to hair, the fewer chemicals you expose your hair to, the better. Aloe Vera acts as a natural hair conditioner and can be used in place of chemical based conditioners.


Aloe Vera is found in many shampoos and conditioners. It can be rubbed in and left for a bit of time and rinsed out and it will help make your hair healthier and keep those wonderful follicles producing hair. It can be used to lose stress as well. It helps the blood flow to the hair. You may already be using it in your brand named shampoo or conditioner and just don´t know it. This herb is a wonderful thing that can keep you from buying wigs or doing that super comb over we all love to look at. An Aloe Vera gel containing coconut milk with a small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo can promote healthy hair and hair growth and maintenance. Aloe Vera conditioners contain the right amount of natural herbs and oils and with proper use help out your hair so much it is indescribable. Each one is pH balanced, prepared without alcohol, and petroleum based ingredients. Aloe Vera jojoba helps you to have healthier and shinier hair. Aloe Vera

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Hair Growth

In addition to halting hair loss, aloe vera is believed to promote the growth of new hair. Aloe vera balances PH levels and stimulates scalp enzymes, which in turn prompts hair growth. To gain this benefit, massage aloe vera into the scalp and leave in for 30 minutes before rinsing. Over time, the scalp will shed the dead hair follicles and new hair follicles will grow in their place.

Conditioner and Moisturizer

Aloe vera can replace traditional hair conditioners and make hair shinier. Massage 1/2 tsp. of aloe vera gel into wet hair, let it set for one minute and rinse as usual. Additionally, if you are using powdered hair dye, aloe vera gel can be mixed with the solution beforehand to combat the drying properties of the dye.

Hair Loss

Aloe vera has been heralded as a treatment for hair loss, due to many of the vitamins and minerals found within the plant mimicking the chemistry of the human body. In addition, chemicals can hasten hair loss, so eliminating hair products with harmful ingredients will allow damaged hair follicles to heal. For an at-home treatment, pour a small amount of an herbal shampoo into a bowl and add two times the amount of aloe vera gel (for best results, use a 100 percent stabilized aloe vera gel vs. the actual aloe vera plant.)


People who suffer from dandruff, which is characterized by a flaky, itchy scalp, should consider aloe vera for relief. Causes of dandruff include stress, diets high in sugar and low in fats, excessive blow drying and shampooing hair in hot water. Aloe vera gel straight from the leaves of the plant can be rubbed on the scalp, left in overnight and shampooed out the following morning.

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Hair Recipes Using Aloe

Shampoo: You will need 1/4 cup of Castile liquid soap, 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, 1 tsp. of vegetable glycerin and 1/4 tsp. of light organic vegetable or olive oil. Keep in mind that the aloe vera gel you choose should be organic, and have few or no preservatives. With a whisk or a mixer, combine the ingredients in a large bowl. Use a funnel to transfer the shampoo into a plastic, capped bottle that can be kept in the shower. Shake the shampoo before using it. After massaging it into your hair, let the shampoo sit for about two minutes before rinsing.

Another way to enjoy the moisturizing benefits of aloe vera is by adding a small amount of the gel to your regular shampoo. Shake the bottle to ensure the aloe has been properly mixed, then use it regularly.

Hair Mask

Begin by microwaving 1 tbsp. of jojoba oil and 1 tbsp. of honey in a microwave-safe bowl for three to five minutes. Add 1 tbsp. of aloe vera gel, one egg, and five drops each of sage and rosemary essential oils. Mix together with a whisk, then apply all over to damp hair. Make sure your hair is free from any styling products before using the mask.Also, the ingredients may be hot; test the temperature using a baking or meat thermometer before touching the mask with your fingers. Once the mask has been applied to your hair, place a plastic cap on your head and let the mixture sit for three hours before shampooing.If you don’t have a plastic cap, wrap Saran Wrap around your head. This mask will give your hair a beautiful shine.

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Tips & Warnings

  • You can purchase raw aloe vera plants at any nursery or garden center. Harvesting the aloe vera gel is as simple as breaking off one of the tendrils and cracking it open. The gel can be easily squeezed out.
  • Wheat germ oil can be found at many different online retailers and at most natural foods stores. It is often used as cooking oil.
  • If itching or skin irritation occur, discontinue use.