Most of us don’t stress about a bit of belly fat hanging over our waist-bands during the winter—after all, damage control is just a body-shaping undergarment away. But now you’re headed to a place where not even Spanx can save you: the beach. Many people are on a quest to achieve a “flat stomach”. .Unfortunately for many people it’s not physiologically possible to achieve a flat-stomach.  Our abdominals aren’t designed to be flat. Instead, the abdominal muscles form a rounded, not flat, shape. Gender, age, and individual body types can effect the size and shape of your abdomen. This is especially true of many healthy and fit women who, when they reach about 40 years old, tend to get a lower abdominal “pooch” due to hormonal changes.

So instead of worrying about something you can’t change, try focusing on something you can–like your posture. Poor posture can contribute to a “pot belly” look, while good posture can add to a trimmer-looking physique. Good posture consists of a slight bending of the knees, contracting the abdominal muscles to point the tailbone toward the floor, and keeping your shoulders back and your head balanced on your neck (not leaning forward). Think of a string attached to your head which is being pulled upward. Better posture will make you feel taller and slimmer.these  exercises that you can do. Stomach vacuums, Circular crunch, Hip raises , Bicycle Crunches.

Bicycle Crunches : Bicycle crunches are a high-impact way to add to your ab workout. Start by lying flat on your back with your hands interlaced, cupping the back of your head. Bring your hips up to a 90 degree angle with the rest of your body. Bring your head and shoulders off the floor like you are doing a crunch, and as you do this, bring your right elbow forward at the same time as you bring left knee in; touch them together. Then relax your body back to the floor. Repeat this process, alternating touching your right knee to your left elbow and your left knee to your right elbow. Do this in a rep of 20 at least three times per week.

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Hip raises  :This is another tummy trimming exercise targeting the lower abdominal muscles. You lie on the floor or a mat and place both hands on the floor close to your body. Raise both legs up into the air straight and hold. Now, push your legs straight upward from your buttocks using your abs to do the lifting. You don’t need to do large movements as even small ones will do. Make sure to not let your legs go down at the end of each movement but keep them as straight as possible.

Stomach vacuums – This is a great little exercise which requires no equipment and can be done practically anywhere. To do this you need to stand or sit straight, take a deep breath, exhale all the air out of your lungs, suck in your belly hard as if you were trying to connect your abs with your back, thrust your chest out, and hold.

Stomach vacuums : This is a great little exercise which requires no equipment and can be done practically anywhere. To do this you need to stand or sit straight, take a deep breath, exhale all the air out of your lungs, suck in your belly hard as if you were trying to connect your abs with your back, thrust your chest out, and hold.

Main Points : By alternating an ab workout with a cardio routine you will increase your chances of trimming your stomach—the ab work will tighten and tone your abdominal and oblique muscles while the cardio will help burn fat. Do not begin any type of major exercise regimen without first consulting your health care provider.