Winter Health Tips

The winter just wouldn’t be the same without cookies, bread and anything laden with butter, cream and cheese. Studies show that, on average, Americans gain one net pound per year because of winter eating of so-called comfort foods. There are ways to avoid this weighty dilemma by serving highly nutritious, tasty food even when temperatures plunge below freezing. Helpful tips include Eat enough fiber, especially in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Serve fruits and vegetables that are currently in-season; they will taste much better than out-of-season produce.

Substitute high-fiber sweet potatoes for high-carbohydrate potatoes.

Use low-fat dairy products in recipes.

Use applesauce in place of butter or oil in cakes.

Rely on seasonings and herbs rather than fat for making food tasty.

Registered dietitians from Northwest Hospital, Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital and LifeBridge Health & Fitness are available for media interviews.

winter can also be a time of illness and injury, if people fail to take adequate health and safety precautions.


More than 100 viruses can cause colds, the world’s most common illness, so few people escape being exposed to at least one of them. In the United States, most people average about three colds every year.

Once it enters the body through the nose or throat, the cold virus begins to multiply, causing any of a number of symptoms: sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, aches and pains, mild fever, nasal congestion and coughing. A cold usually lasts a week or two, The best way to treat a cold is to take a mild pain reliever, avoid unnecessary activity, get as much bed rest as possible and drink plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices. Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies may relieve some of the symptoms, but they will not prevent, cure or even shorten the course of the illness.

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A contagious respiratory infection, influenza is not a serious health threat for most people. However, for the elderly or those who have a chronic health problem, influenza can result in serious complications, such as pneumonia.

Symptoms of the flu usually develop suddenly, about three days after being exposed to the virus. They include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and soreness and aching in the back, arms and legs. Although these are similar to those caused by cold viruses, flu symptoms tend to be more severe and to last longer. Abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhea symptoms of what is commonly called stomach or intestinal flu do not accompany influenza.


The parts of the body most affected by frostbite are exposed areas of the face (cheeks, nose, chin, forehead), the ears, wrists, hands and feet. Frostbitten skin is whitish and stiff and feels numb rather than painful. When spending time outdoors during cold weather, be alert for signs of frostbite and, if you notice any, take immediate action.

To treat frostbite, warm the affected part of the body gradually. Wrap the area in blankets, sweaters, coats, etc. If no warm wrappings are available, place frostbitten hands under the armpits or use your body to cover the affected area. Seek medical attention immediately.

tips for winter

  1. Eat properly. If you don’t eat properly, you get hungry, sick and overweight. That’s bad for you.
  2. Exercise. Lying around watching television all day makes Jack a dull boy and makes his legs shrivel up.
  3. If you’re tired, rest. Trying to watch television when you can hardly keep your eyes open is hard.
  4. Smoke less. Of everything.
  5. Drink less alcohol. Try diluting your vodka with Red Bull.
  6. Drink less caffeine. Try diluting your Red Bull with vodka.
  7. Top up your vitamins. Consider treating yourself to a €10 a week bottle of multi-vitamins. Or eat a 30c apple.
  8. Try out herbal remedies. But don’t smoke them.
  9. Keep warm. Buy a coat, not a bottle of whiskey.
  10. Smile. Even if you have to break rules 1, 5 and 6 to do it, smiling makes you happy. Or at least breaking rules 1, 5 and 6 will make you happy.
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Skin winter care tips

For your winter skin nourishment add some olive oil along with honey (1 tsp each) into your cream (1 tbsp). You can use it for face as well as neck. Before washing it off allow it to stay for almost 20-30 minutes.

•    You can also create a concoction with yoghurt (1 tbsp) & honey (1 tbsp). Smear it over your face as well as neck & allow it to stay for almost 20-30 minutes & then wash well.

•    For some quality skin nourishment prepare a mixture of almond oil (1 tbsp) along with milk powder (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp), glycerine (2 tbsp) & almond (1 tsp). Smear the pack once in every week for some effective results.