The pandemic has changed how we view our lifestyle and health. For many health enthusiasts, a home gym might prove to be an advantage nowadays compared to a gym membership. But what is better? Can home gyms give a better experience than a gym membership?

Home Gym: The Advantages

Save Money

One obvious advantage of a home gym is saving money in the long term. You no longer have to worry about all the extra charges you get for amenities or services you rarely use in the gym. You get to save on your expenses because you no longer have to pay for a monthly gym membership.


A home gym gives you so much convenience compared to a gym membership. You don’t have to commute or get stuck in traffic while driving to the gym. No packing or arranging child care just to have an hour of exercise. You get to work anytime you want.


You get to ensure the hygiene of your equipment when working out at home. No sharing means less risk of contracting various diseases. The sweaty smell can be uncomfortable, but you avoid this situation when you have your home gym.

The Disadvantages


Having enough space for your equipment is a challenge if you have a limited area at home. You will have to consider what types of equipment you’ll need to get. Getting huge equipment may not be a good idea if you have to compromise space in your home.

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home gym


A common challenge when working out alone at home is the lack of motivation and feeling of boredom. Unlike working out in a gym, the overall ambiance conditions your mind to focus on working out. Moreover, seeing other people working out can motivate you even more towards your fitness goal.

Gym Membership: The Advantages


The gym offers plenty of amenities and services that you will not have with a home gym. You don’t need to buy expensive equipment because everything is available in the gym. With a monthly membership fee, you get to enjoy various amenities. You don’t have to spend on expensive equipment or worry about your space at home.


Preparing and going to the gym has a way of preparing your mind to achieve your fitness goals. The routine may be a hassle but somehow it creates a ritual that improves mindset. Being in a place where you get to see people working out helps you stay focused. Seeing other people’s progress can motivate you to continue in your health journey.


If you like to make friends while working out, getting a gym membership is one way to gain new friends. It’s a good place to find a group of people with the same health goals and sharing fitness tips is a way for you to learn more about staying healthy and fit. There are also plenty of fitness classes such as Crossfit workouts offered for free when you are a member, expanding your health circle while learning new fitness moves.

The Disadvantages


The presence of people in the gym has its benefits but one downside is waiting to use a piece of equipment. It can be annoying waiting in line when you have limited time and need to get your routine done on time. Aside from the equipment, the smell and presence of sweat can be uncomfortable especially when those traces of sweat are still on the machine, when they are being too noisy and not returning those weights in the right place.

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With so many people using the gym amenities and equipment, germs can be everywhere. You can catch cold touching surfaces and tools that are not sanitized. The infection commonly occurs because of poor cleaning where equipment is contaminated. Interestingly, contamination in the gym is common through touching surfaces and not through airborne.  When you are doing an intensive workout, you can get sick easily because your body is under stress and the gym can be a perfect place to get the flu virus.

Time Consuming

Going to a commercial gym can be time-consuming. From preparing all your exercise stuff, commuting or driving, unpacking your stuff, and waiting in line to use the equipment can take so much time whereas a home gym simply means going to your garage and doing the routine. Your gym membership may mean spending 3 hours for an hour of exercise routine.


Whether it is a home gym or gym membership, what is important is your preference. Assess your needs and personality to see what works best for you and where can you get the most result? If getting a gym membership helps you lose weight faster, then go for it even though it might cost more money or time. Trying to save on cost but not creating results is wasteful.