Wrinkles are delicate creases caused by thin, sagging skin. These are especially visible on the face, neck and hands. Wrinkles appear when the collagen and elastin present in the connective tissue of the skin is weakened or decrease in number. Skin that has suffered such damage appears thinner, loses fat content, elasticity and smoothness.

Symptoms for wrinkled skin:Lined and creased skin ,Sagging skin ,Areas that are more affected include sensitive skin near the eyes, lips and neck.Though some creases are temporary, they may become deeper and more permanent due to ageing.

Wrinkles occur due to ageing process: Though wrinkles are a part and parcel of the ageing process, premature wrinkles are a cause of concern for many. Some of the common causes of wrinkles on skin are -Over exposure to sun – The damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun is known as photoageing. Smoking hastens the ageing process. The large amount of free radicals produced by cigarette smoke is one of the biggest culprits for premature wrinkles. Free radicals can play havoc with the skin, damaging it to an alarming extent.

Pollution – Environmental factors such as exposure to air pollutants, dust, chemicals and harsh lights can cause wrinkles on skin over a period of time.
Weight Loss – Rapid weight loss can cause wrinkles as the volume of the fat cells are drastically reduced. This causes the skin to sag and crease.
Loss of Vitamin E – Depletion of this important vitamin can cause the skin quality to deteriorate.

Home Remedies for wrinkle on skin

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Here are some simple home remedies to deal with wrinkles on skin and prevent the formation of new ones –

Apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes.

Odor-free castor oil can be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that of the throat.

Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl. Add to this 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.

A mixture of 1/4 cup comfrey infusion, 1/4 cup witch hazel and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil is effective in treating wrinkles. This can be stored in a clean bottle and applied on affected areas with a cotton ball.

Gently massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.

A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is great to get rid of wrinkles and slow skin ageing.

Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face on the wrinkles. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air.

Rub the core of pineapple on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. This works well on fine wrinkles.

Applying juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes is good for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.

Application of pure castor oil regularly prevents wrinkles.

Regular facial is very effective to control wrinkles.

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Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look. However, this process is very slow. use face yoga exercises daily to tone up skin.

Start the massage from the neck upwards and end at the forehead.

For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.

For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.

Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.

Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. Wrinkles will disappear.

Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.

Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.

Clean the face. Remove make-up to open the pores of skin. Remove oilyness by lime juice or cleansing milk. Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyes. Continue massage for 15 minutes.

Balanced diet
The role of a balanced diet for a healthy, youthful looking skin cannot be undermined. A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains paves the way for a wrinkle-free skin.Flax seed oil is an excellent wrinkle cure agent. Take a tablespoon of flax seed oil 4 times a day. This may cause diarrhea, so make sure your body is used to taking flax seed oil.Consume at least 4-6 liters of water everyday. This is the best way to hydrate and moisturize your skin from within.