White hair appearing on one’s head is usually an indication of the person getting older. However, there are various other causes and reasons for people of any age to develop white hair on their heads. It is a fact that white hair developing on one’s head is an indication of age catching up, but when one’s hair begins to turn silver in color then this condition is directly thought to be related to one’s genes. In fact, scientific research and various other studies that have been conducted have shown that medical conditions, heredity, and various kinds of external stressors significantly affect the process of graying. Some of the main causes of white hair besides age could be attributed to stress that one is facing in one’s life.

Prevent White Hair

Each individual follicle of hair on one’s head has a certain amount of melanin or pigment. This pigment gets regulated by melanocytes which is a special stem. When melanocytes finish or stop its functioning then the hair follicle that grows will now begin to grow out in an unpigmented state or a white state. Usually by the time, one is around 50 years of age almost 50 percent of their hair will have turned white. African Americans’ and Asians’ hair turns gray or white later in life as compared to Caucasians. There are various medical conditions that can lead to one’s hair turning white prematurely. There are some people that are born with a condition called vitiligo. They will have patches of hair that is unpigmented. There is no medical procedure that can cause one’s hair to grow back in its former color once it has turned white.

However, there are ways in which one can slow down the process of graying of hair. Some of these methods include ridding or reducing the stress in one’s life. This can be done by taking up yoga, meditation or going for walks in open spaces. One should always remember to have a well-balanced diet that is made up of plenty of leafy green vegetables, proteins found in lean meats and eggs. They should drink milk regularly and eat legumes and nuts. One should drink plenty of water and fruit juices besides eating plenty of fresh fruits regularly. Getting some exercise in on a regular basis is also good for overall health and well-being.

When the roots of your hair stop producing melanin, your hair loses color and turns gray or white. Almost half of all Americans have some gray or white in their hair by the time they turn 40, but there are multiple reasons why hair goes gray — and a few things you can do that may help slow the process.

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Odds are, if your parents went gray early, you will too — some people start developing white hair as early as 10 years old. There is little to be done to stop the process, although scientists have tracked down the genes that come into play in hair graying, Bcl2, and Bcl-w.

Vitamin deficiencies

A lack of vitamin B12 could be a factor in premature gray or white hair, so consider taking a supplement to ensure this doesn’t cause your graying.

Thyroid problems

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (overproducing and underproducing thyroids) can cause premature graying. Often, if the hair goes gray too early, doctors will order blood tests to see whether the thyroid is working properly.


Some studies have found that smokers are more than four times as likely as nonsmokers to start graying early.

To dye or not to dye

If medical reasons for premature graying have been ruled out, consider whether you want to mask the gray by plucking or dyeing or opt to simply grow gray gracefully. (Plucking will not cause more white hairs to crop up, contrary to all those old wives’ tales.)

White Hair

If you do decide to mask it, you can try one of the many commercial hair dyes available in an array of colors. If you’re uncomfortable using a chemical-based dye, try some of the natural dyes that use henna, which can be found in your local natural food store.

  • White hair or premature graying of hair is a common site nowadays due to faulty diet and mental worries which are important causes in premature graying of hairs.
  • In a natural course, the natural pigment of the hair tends to disappear and the hair turns grey and finally white.
  • Eat protein-rich foods. Proteins – Sources: sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat, and soy in your diet.
  • Eat foods rich in iron, minerals, and vitamins A and B.
    Vitamin A – Sources: dark green vegetables & yellow fruits. Vitamin B – Sources: fresh green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, yeast and wheat germ.
    Minerals like zinc, iron, and copper – Sources: zinc – red meat, chicken & green vegetables
    iron – beef, dried apricots, red meat, parsley, eggs, wheat & sunflower seeds
    copper – sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, crabs, and oysters, egg yolk & whole grains.
  • Eat foods rich in iodine such as bananas, carrots and fish.
  • Drink buttermilk with a 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ will prevent and cure premature greying of hair.
  • Rub Indian gooseberry (Amla) mixed in coconut oil into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, your gray hair will turn black. Boil some dried amla pieces in coconut oil till it turns black. Apply this oil to prevent hair from greying.
  • Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 teaspoon every day.
  • Massage your hair with coconut oil and lemon juice every day.
  • Boil some dried ribbed gourd torai in coconut oil till it turns black. Massage this oil in the scalp and hair roots should be massaged into the scalp.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of table salt to a cup of strong black tea without milk. Massage this water on the scalp. Wash your hair after an hour.
  • Boil some curry leaves in coconut oil and apply in scalp and hair roots.
  • Make a paste of 2 tspn henna powder, 1 tspn yogurt, 1 tsp fenugreek (methi seed powder, 3 tspn coffee, 2 tspn basil juice and 3 tspn mint juice and apply to the hair. Wash hair with shampoo after 3 hours.
  • Massage your scalp and hair with butter made from cow milk twice a week.
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How to Prevent White Hair?

  • Massage your scalp regularly for 10min. this will help in increasing the blood circulation of the scalp and thereafter apply almond or Gooseberry hair oil and apply in the circular motion of your fingers.
  • Diet is very important in the prevention and treatment of this condition. Devitalizing and harmful foods such as soft drinks, sugar-based substances, pastries, jam, jellies, white flour, spices and pickles, and all things difficult for digestion.
  • A diet rich in all nutritious substances is to be taken.

Home remedies and Natural Treatment for White and Grey Hair

  • Gooseberries are one of the important components in treating white hair. The fruit is taken and cut to pieces. It should be dried in shade. Direct sunlight should be avoided. These dried pieces are heated in coconut oil till the matter turns into thick dark oil. This should be applied every day.
  • Hair should be washed with a preparation made with dried Gooseberry soaked in water overnight. This preparation can also be used for massage.
  • Butter prepared from cow’s milk is beneficial in the prevention of prematurely white hair.
  • Ribbed gourd can also be used in the same way as Gooseberries. This is also as effective as Gooseberries.
  • Taking a sufficient amount of yogurt daily and a tablespoon of yeast before meals is helpful in the prevention and treatment of white hair.
  • Eat protein-rich foods. Proteins – Sources: sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.
  • Eat foods rich in iron, minerals, and vitamins A and B.

Vitamin A – Sources: dark green vegetables & yellow fruits. Vitamin B – Sources: fresh green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, yeast and wheat germ. Minerals like zinc, iron and copper – Sources: zinc – red meat, chicken & green vegetables
iron – beef, dried apricots, red meat, parsley, eggs, wheat & sunflower seeds (Iron Rich Foods)
copper – sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, crabs and oysters, egg yolk & whole grains.

  • Eat foods rich in iodine such as bananas, carrots and fish.
  • Drink buttermilk with a 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ will prevent and cure premature greying of hair.
  • Rub Indian gooseberry (Amla) mixed in coconut oil into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, your gray hair will turn black. Boil some dried amla pieces in coconut oil till it turns black. Apply this oil to prevent hair from greying.
  • Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 teaspoon every day.
  • Massage your hairs with coconut oil and lemon juice every day.
  • Boil some dried ribbed gourd torai in coconut oil till it turns black. Massage this oil in the scalp and hair roots should be massaged into the scalp.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of table salt to a cup of strong black tea without milk. Massage this water on the scalp. Wash your hair after an hour.
  • Boil some curry leaves in coconut oil and apply in scalp and hair roots.
  • Make a paste of 2 tspn henna powder, 1 tspn yogurt, 1 tsp fenugreek methi seed powder, 3 tspn coffee, 2 tspn basil juice and 3 tspn mint juice and apply to the hair. Wash hair with shampoo after 3 hours.
  • Massage your scalp and hair with butter made from cow milk twice a week.
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How to Prevent White Hair?

  • Massage your scalp regularly for 10min. this will help in increasing the blood circulation of the scalp and thereafter apply almond or Gooseberry hair oil and apply in a circular motion of your fingers.
  • Diet is very important in the prevention and treatment of this condition. Devitalizing and harmful foods such as soft drinks, sugar-based substances, pastries, jam, jellies, white flour, spices and pickles, and all things difficult for digestion.
  • A diet rich in all nutritious substances are to be taken.

Home remedies and Natural Treatment for White and Grey Hair

  • Gooseberries are one of the important components in treating white hair. The fruit is taken and cut to pieces. It should be dried in shade. Direct sunlight should be avoided. These dried pieces are heated in coconut oil till the matter turns into thick dark oil. This should be applied every day.
  • Hair should be washed with a preparation made with dried Gooseberry soaked in water overnight. This preparation can also be used for massage.
  • Butter prepared from cow’s milk is beneficial in the prevention of prematurely white hair.
  • Ribbed gourd can also be used in the same way as Gooseberries. This is also as effective as Gooseberries.
  • Taking a sufficient amount of yogurt daily and a tablespoon of yeast before meals is helpful in the prevention and treatment of white hair.