Do you feel sluggish, tired, unhappy with your weight or body? If the answer is yes, it’s important to take a step-by-step approach to making changes to your lifestyle. The most common pitfall people make is they assume that being healthy and trim is an all or nothing approach. I’m either eating well all the time and doing “good” or I’m eating junk for dessert and feeling “bad”.
This kind of black and white thinking will sabotage you before you get started.
It’s all about little steps:

Step one is about taking a look at what you do every day.
How much sleep do you get?
What do you consume for breakfast?
(is it a highly processed, sugary something-or-other or a bowl of fruit or some kind of whole grains?)
What do you drink?
(is it coffee, cream and sugar or hot water, green tea or herbal tea?)


Are your liquids full of high fructose corn syrup?
Do you drink soda or sparkling mineral water? or regular water?
What kind of vitamins or superfood do you take?
How much exercise do you get?
Are your workouts varied? Do you combine cardio with stretching, toning and weights? Is excercise interesting and fun and sometimes done with a friend?
How stressed are you?
Do you practice different techniques like breathing, walking, meditation or yoga to de-stress?
How do you treat yourself? Do you ever look in the mirror and give yourself a smile?
How much encouragement do you have (healthy friends, supportive and nurturing relationships, an exercise buddy)?

After taking the time to really look at your daily routine highlight those things that might be easy to change.

See also  Top Tips Bodyweight Exercises For A Quick Workout

Step 2: Make that one, maybe two changes for 1 month. Do not take on more than 2 changes. Make it fun, not a chore. Think of this as an experiment and an adventure in becoming better as a human being.

Step 3: At the end of each week, check in with yourself. Forget about everything accept your ability to follow through on what you’ve set out to do. Congratulate yourself for doing a good job. Reward yourself with a non-caloric gift like a movie, yummy candles, new music, or a new pair of socks (anything that feels like a reward). If you’ve slipped, acknowledge it, don’t berate yourself, just be firm in your resolve and move ahead.

Weight Loss Tips:

Food Factors When it comes to finding quick weight loss diet tips that work, selecting your foods for your diet can be a real balancing act. You have to lose some of what you’ve grown accustomed to and add some items that may be new to you. Here’s some quick weight loss tips that experts recommend to promote weight loss.

Reduce fat. With regard EO fat, the research is clear: Diets too high in fat promote overweight and obesity. You should strive to consume no more than 25 percent of your calories from fat – and that fat should the “non-saturated” type.

Find out how many calories you need:

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

BMR [kcal]

Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)

Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR – 500 kcal

For instance, you weigh 140 lb and you perform 20 mins of moderate activity every day. BMR of this example = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal. BMR minus 500kcal; it would be 2170 – 500 = 1670 kcal. Therefore 1670 kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.