Now that the winter holidays are over with the delicious food, summer is approaching and you need to lose those pounds you amassed during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Summer is mere weeks away and my swimsuit is burning a hole in my dresser drawer daring me to try it on You want to make the beach scene in that new bikini you bought on sale during the after-Christmas sale at the mall. There are a lot of weight loss programs on the market today for you to choose from, but you must be careful with which one you choose. Perhaps you should not choose one of the weight loss programs on the market and try to motivate yourself into losing the pounds yourself – naturally.

Look within yourself to find the motivation and stamina to start your own weight loss program. This should begin with a lower caloric intake, a change in lifestyle, and begin an exercise program.

 Here are a few simple changes in your lifestyle that will help you on your road to healthy weight loss:

1. Never eat standing up.

2. Never miss eating breakfast.

3. Eat your dinner no later than two hours before your bedtime.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. Drink plenty of water.

6. If you must snack between meals, eat fruit.

7. Plan to eat all of your meals at the same time everyday.

Making any of the above changes in your daily life will give you visible results in your quest to slimming down.

For many people, New Years Resolutions have long since been forgotten as we happily went through the cold months in our many layers of clothes. If you were motivated and focused enough to stick with your New Year’s resolution to get into shape this year – congratulations!! As the rest of you start to shed your winter wardrobes and notice lumps, bumps and jiggles in places that you would rather not mention, thoughts start to wander to summer and it’s skin revealing styles. Don’t fear, there is hope to make some serious changes to your body before summer begins and we start hitting the boats, beaches, pool parties and donning our summer wardrobes. You may not be quite in your “dream” body in a month but you can make real, dramatic changes. Starting now can not only have you looking firmer and more toned in your swimsuit at the start of the summer but will have you 3 months closer to really strutting your stuff as the summer ends. These are the tips and tricks which we have used for years to get our clients’ bodies “summer ready”

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To get in shape for swimsuit season, nutritionist Joy Bauer shares her low-calorie favorites, so you can add them to her diet menu plan

This summer, your favorite snack manufacturers have made healthful nibbling easier than ever by introducing a bevy of new diet-friendly products to the market. From fiber-enriched flavored water to grab-and-go nutrition bars, the tasty picks that follow are bound to quench your thirst and keep you satisfied, whether you’re snacking on-the-go or simply lounging seaside.

 1.Set Realistic Goals – Enthusiasm often wanes when pounds don’t magically disappear overnight. You can not undo years of bad habits and achieve the body of your dreams in a few weeks

2. Look For Situations To Be active -Look for the hard way to do things – Park as far from the store as you can rather than looking for the closest parking spot, use the stairs rather than the elevator, if possible carry your bags out to your car instead of using the cart.

3. Always eat breakfast – Food fuels your metabolism – Studies show that those who skip the first meal, end up eating more total calories throughout the day and tend to make less healthy choices Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you’re starving because you haven’t had food for a while. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism will slow down.

4. Don’t starve yourself – Less than 1,200 is usually not enough to support your basal metabolism and thus will slow your body’s calorie-burning ability – Very low calorie diets will, in the short term, help you lose weight but they’re extremely difficult to maintain. You’ll gradually become tired and irritable & lack the energy to exercise usually putting the end to your fitness program and leading to the beginning of a binge cycle.

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5.Eat 5 – 6 small meals a day – Try to eat at least 3 meals a day. Optimally you should spread your calories throughout 5 -6 small meals per day. This will keep your metabolism roaring, your hunger in check and your blood sugar level even to help avoid binging.

6.Drink Plenty Of water – Drinking water helps keep you feeling full . Many times dehydration can mask itself as hunger so if you are feeling “snacky” try a glass of water before you eat. Water also helps keep the kidneys flushed which helps the liver metabolize fat at full force.

7.Follow the 90% to 10% rule. If you watch what you eat 90% of the time, the other 10% is not a problem

8.Close Your eyes and visualize – When the going gets rough or when you just don’t feel like it. Take a moment and visualize the slimmer, firmer, healthy more energetic person that you want to be this summer – Focus on the clothes that you want to wear and the places where you would like to be more comfortable. 

9.Eat your fruits & Veggies – Freshness Counts – The packaging and processing generally found in “convenience” foods generally reduce the nutrient values of foods and substantially raise the caloric content. The simple sugars found in processed foods generally leave people feeling hungry and craving carbohydrates.

10. Just do it – The difference between the people strutting their stuff in the summer’s skin bearing fashions and those hiding their stuff is simply habits. There are the same amount of hours and stress in each week for every one of us – those who fit exercise and healthy eating into their lifestyles don’t have more time or less stress, they just have healthier habits.

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Summer Slim Down Tips

  • Weight-loss is a serious issue, so don’t be shy—get out that flensing knife and start cutting.
  • Remember: The more reduced-fat foods you eat, the more weight you lose. Eat dozens of Twinkie Lights each day.
  • Extreme stress and grief can cause weight loss. Encourage loved ones to succumb to cancer.
  • If you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try, don’t worry—the world is full of perverts known as “Chubby Chasers” who are turned on by morbidly obese hogs such as yourself.
  • For a quickie loss of a couple of pounds, remember that the human body can function with only one kidney.
  • Ladies, don’t fret if you can’t lose those extra pounds. At least you’ll probably have an absolutely gigantic set of tits.
  • For a slimmer appearance, try a Dr. Schliefmann’s Health & Beauty Peerless Reinforced Corset.
  • If you still can’t lose that gut, use your sense of fun to make yourself attractive. Paint eyes on your nipples and a red mouth on your belly button; put an enormous top hat over your head and arms; and thrust your belly in and out to the sounds of “The Colonel Bogey March.”
  • Women with large thighs should wear a swimsuit covered by a skirt reading, “I’m Not Fat Under Here.”
  • No one looks good in a size 30 swimsuit. Wear a size 8 no matter how much you weigh.