Preventing skin aging from extrinsic factors is quite simple:

  • Stay out of the sun when its rays are strongest: between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m
  • Avoid tanning beds
  • If in the sun, use broad spectrum sun protection of at least SPF15 20 minutes BEFORE exposure and reapply after swimming or sweating.
  • Wear Protective clothing in the sun
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid harsh repetitive facial expressions – placing a mirror on your desk for a couple of weeks is very informative!!
  • Give up facial exercises
  • Drink plenty of water when working in dry air conditioned environments
  • Sleep on your back!


Intrinsic skin antiaging relies on good skin nutrition. There are a number of natural nutritional supplements that boost the skins own ability to regenerate itself with elastin and collagen filled cells.To treat the damage we do do our skin ourselves, generally requires more intensive anti-aging skin products and treatments.  Always Go for a Good Anti Aging Skin Care Product
The anti aging and skin care industries with such huge Market. Millions or billions of dollars are yearly spent by consumers on anti aging skin care treatments then and so there is big money to be made. And there are large plenty of big companies in the anti aging and cosmetics industry that although take advantage of this.The result present here that many mainstream anti aging skin care products just don’t work. The cosmetics and skin care industry is wide quite unregulated in the US and so the big cosmetics and skin care companies can put further any product on the market without first proving that it works and then even without showing that it is though safe for the people who use it.Not necessarily. Yes it’s really good to replenish the collagen nevertheless collagen molecules are quite large and don’t really enter the skin. So rubbing it on might make you feel really good but doesn’t really add to the levels of collagen present in your skin.

The other best way to improve the collagen levels in your skin is to further stimulate the body to produce more collagen itself.

However remember that the big cosmetics and anti aging companies presented are in the business of selling their products. If they put collagen on the label people buy it then and if they put it in a fancy bottle and get a good looking celebrity to further say how much younger they look using it so then it will sell.

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Even if it doesn’t do good anything for you. Even if it’s got suspect ingredients then It will sell.

Anti-Aging creams have been always present for a millennia to and they have in recent years been growing more willingly in today’s beauty market. While some of these anti-aging creams have been verified to reduce the overall appearance of aging, no anti-aging cream will be much able to completely eradicate these signs. If you are searching for an anti-aging cream then investigate the item first to prevent buying from more fabricators of useless creams. It’s another step then but it will be worth it in the long run.

Good Anti Aging products
Shahbase: Sandalwood Protective Base
Indications A Sandalwood base mainly formulated to eliminate all traces of impurities, while reinforcing the skin’s natural protective layer. Helps to protect skin which is always prone to acne, pimples, irritation and rash. Moisturizes and protects skin against to the abuse of the elements.

Method of Use Apply morning and evening with SHASILK for normal to oily skin and SHAMOIST for normal to dry skin.

Antioxidants are known to be contained in the best anti aging skin care. Antioxidants fight free radicals which contribute to the aging process. Doctors often counsel patients to consume foods that are rich in antioxidants for improve health. Antioxidants can also be absorbed through the skin.

The members of the family of B vitamins are especially helpful in battling stress; and anyone knows that the less stressed you are, the younger you look and feel. Remember, however that some vitamins can cause side effects if taken in excessive doses; you should read the supplement labels and consult your primary physician regarding appropriate dosages for you.

Some herbal nutrition supplements are reputed to provide relief from minor ailments, aches, and pains, and to promote a generally good state of health. For example, ginger extract is said to help people who suffer from migraines, hay fever and nausea; green tea extract may assist in treating diarrhea, headaches, and stomach problems.

One of the latest wonders in the scientific world is a substance called Cinergy TK that promotes the production of collagen, a protein that’s responsible for making the skin firm and preventing sags and wrinkles. A number of studies have proven that Cinergy TK can boost the number of cells in the skin by up to 160 percent just after three days of using a product that contains the substance.

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That being said, it’s recommended that you choose an anti aging skin care system that includes Cinergy TK as one of its ingredients. For sure, you can expect great results from a product that works well in keeping your skin healthy. Eating a lot of fruits, avoiding stress, drinking a lot of water and using natural therapies can delay the aging process.

Once the signs of aging start showing up, you should start using some additional measures in the form of anti aging skin care products. The market is full of anti aging skin care products. In fact there are so many anti aging skin care products that they will probably find you even before you find them. Also, with age, the skin undergoes significant change. So you will need to analyses your current skin care procedure to check if it still holds well i.e. if it is still suitable for your skin.

Chromium has been shown to maintain insulin balance in the body. By keeping insulin in balance you will reduce oil production in the skin and prevent acne from occurring. Zinc is also important because it reduces the amount of acne by maintaining the hormonal balance in the body.
In fact in a recent study to a group of people, they used anti aging creams and moisturizers on each side of their face without them knowing what products where used. At the end of the month the results where that there was no difference between using a moisturizer and an expensive anti wrinkle cream the results where just the same.

Anti Aging and Anti – Aging Natural Supplements


Experiencing the signs of aging is a natural course that is a part of everyone’s life. No matter how hard they try to assure themselves that they will be eternally young, the signs of aging will become more visible as the years go by. You can’t stop time and remain youthful-looking forever. What you can do at best is slow it down.

You’ve grown up in a culture that teaches you to stop off aging at all costs and that looking old is a sign of weakness. Reality is, no matter how hard you try to go around away from the subject, it manages to bump up with you.

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Many anti aging supplements contain antioxidants, which play a major role in keeping us healthy and looking young. Everyday we are exposed to substances called free radicals, which damage the cells and cause the emergence of diseases.

Vitamins and minerals play a key role in defending the body from these free radicals, and many supplements provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are missing from our daily meals. Vitamin E, for instance, is a powerful antioxidant that keeps the skin looking supple and young, and it protects the body’s fatty cells from free radicals as well. Vitamins C and B are likewise important antioxidants which we should be getting in adequate amounts each day.

The members of the family of B vitamins are especially helpful in battling stress; and anyone knows that the less stressed you are, the younger you look and feel. Remember, however that some vitamins can cause side effects if taken in excessive doses; you should read the supplement labels and consult your primary physician regarding appropriate dosages for you.

Some herbal nutrition supplements are reputed to provide relief from minor ailments, aches, and pains, and to promote a generally good state of health. For example, ginger extract is said to help people who suffer from migraines, hay fever and nausea; green tea extract may assist in treating diarrhea, headaches, and stomach problems.

In addition, it can help prevent tooth cavities from forming. An herbal nutrition supplement extracted from the ammonia grape is helpful in treating pimples, influenza, and urinary tract infections, while one called gingko balboa is popular among many students because it promotes alertness and concentration, and increases short-term memory.

Nutritional supplements are also recommended for those who are at risk for a certain disease or health problem. For instance, people who are in their thirties and forties are advised to take calcium supplements to head off osteoporosis. Regular intake of vitamin C and B would help prevent scurvy and beriberi, respectively.

Studies have also shown that vitamin C can aid in the prevention of eye disorders, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin D, on the other hand, has been shown to have preventive effects against some cancers, including colon, prostate, and breast cancer, while some studies suggest that vitamin E is helpful in preventing colds and other upper respiratory tract infections.