Not all of us are blessed with beautifully long mane, and so we need a lot of efforts, patience, and right changes in our hair care routine. If you feel that your hair is not growing as long as you think it should be, or if notice that your hair is not growing as fast compared to the past, here are some of the top hair growth tips to help you look attractive.

Hair growth tips for efficient results

  • Go for frequent trims

You may wonder as to whether this approach will really be helpful in your case. Well, this is definitely one of the best approaches for hair growth related issues. If you want to have long hair that is actually healthy then you need to go for regular trims. Although this process alone will not help in hair fall, this will help you get rid of the split ends that break your hair. Split ends will lead your hair to lose its strength volume, smoothness, shine and so on.

  • Resist the urge to color

Natural hair is natural for a reason. So do not get swayed away with celebrities trying on different hair colors every week. This could stand between you and your healthy and long hair. If your hair is damaged due to the bleach in hair color, this could result in more split ends. More split ends, in turn, will result in more hair fall and making them weak. The fewer chemicals you use, the better it is for your hair health. Keep the hair color natural to experience proper hair growth.

  • Distribute natural oil
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This is also one of the important hair growth tips that you need to remember. It may seem tempting to leave your messy hair as it is before going to bed, but it is definitely not a good idea. Giving few quick strokes to your hair could be a good idea for the health of your hair. This process helps to increase circulation and distributes natural oil around your scalp. The process is very easy and helps your hair grow naturally.

  • Maintain a healthy scalp

You scalp works as a farm land, and if the soil is not taken care of the yield will also not be so productive. So you need to make sure that you take good care of your scalp. A healthy scalp is a good sign for hair growth and this is where it starts. As you clean your scalp with healthy ingredients you will be able to produce beautiful and strong hair. Make sure that you follow a regular regimen of keeping your hair clean at all times.

  • Eat only the right foods

Strong and long hair also depends on what exactly you put in your body. You need to feed the hair from inside to promote a proper hair growth routine. It is good to increase protein intake with foods such as fish, nuts, beans, whole grains, and so on. If you love meat, make sure that your diet is high in protein. If you don’t get enough of right food intake it will result in shedding your hair. So make a list of healthy food that you eat and the food that you should eat. Healthy food will help you get healthy hair.

  • Heat styling tools are bad for hair growth
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Risk damaging your hair? Well, if you are a risk taker without considering possible outcome then it may seem wise. However, using heat styling tools can result in breakage and make your hair even weaker. This will have a negative effect on your hair growth. So it is better to avoid it rather than suffer later on.

  • Daily shampoo? No.

By now you may have already heard from a lot of people that daily shampooing is not good for hair growth, but do you know why it is so? Well, if there is too much buildup occurring on your scalp of shampoo then it will prevent from natural oil penetrating in your hair. However, if you shampoo just 2-3 times a week with mild shampoo then this will help natural oils penetrate in your scalp. It is also best to keep a balance and not avoid shampoo completely because this can cause dandruff, itching, and surplus of oil.

  • Hair Keep a regular schedule for hair care

Hair is one of the most important assets for us and so we need to take good care of them. If you maintain a proper schedule for the same it will help you to care well and experience proper hair growth. Make sure that you follow the above mentioned tips carefully and take good care of your hair. The more take care of your hair, the more you can expect to have healthy hair growth.