Face skin care in winter season

Winters season is one of the most dangerous for your face skin. Your face suffers from biting wind, snow, frost and heating at home or work. Your facial skin becomes dry, sensitive and chapped. The most important thing is moisturizing!
When you are having a bath don’t forget to control waters temperature – it can’t be too hot and also avoid wash your face with hot water as well. Better prepare tepid or even cold water especially in the morning – it will awake your skin. Don’t use water-based moisturizers, because it has a lot of water in it and that might cause a freezing on your face when you are outside. That’s why you should use oil-based moisturizer.

You should use scent free soaps and washes also avoid colored or antibacterial facial skin produce. All chemicals which add scents and color are the reason why our skin becomes dry.For better results apply your moisturizing cream immediately after you have a wash and while skin is still damp. Use moisturizing face cream which includes lecithin and vitamins. But undoubtedly best way to hydrate your skin is drink plenty of water.

Don’t forget to protect your skin when you are out!
Many people are thinking sun is dangerous only in summer, but it’s not true! The snow reflects the sunlight so you must wear sunscreen. Remember, that sun ages your skin. Use moisturizer with SPF 15 or even SPF 30. Your makeup must be with sun protection too.

To protect chapped lips in winter season, always wear lip balm or lipstick with sunscreen. Choose lip balm which includes propolis.Winter can be tough on skin. Cold temperatures, low humidity and dry indoor heating combine to rob the skin of moisture, leaving it dry and flaky, said Sarah Myers, M.D., dermatologist at Duke University Medical Center, who offers the following tips for winter skin care.

Shorten baths or showers — Long, hot baths can eventually strip the skin of lipids, or moisturizing fats. Frequent long showers or baths do not add moisture but take away protection.

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Use moisturizer — Choose soap or cleanser with oils and emollients. After bathing, pat dry, then replenish with an overall body moisturizer. Oils can also be added to bath water, which can penetrate and nourish the skin. But they can also make the tub slippery, so be especially careful getting out.

Apply toners and astringents sparingly ” These are liquids used after cleaning, just before applying a moisturizer. Because they are typically alcohol-based, they can dry the skin.

Skin Care Tips for Winter Season

1. Moisturize:- As winters dry your skin cells, you need to hydrate with a hypoallergenic moisturizer.

2. Shower Habits:- Taking showers off and on, would make your already dry skin drier. Therefore it is advisable that your water should contains aromatherapic oil that would soothe your skin and preferably the soap that you use should be rich in moisturizers.

3. Fabrics:- What stays in contact with your skin throughout winters is a load of fabrics, which soak essential moisture from your skin. Therefore, you should select woollen fabrics that keep your body warm and dont itch your dry skin.

4. Hydrate:- The best way to hydrate your skin is to drink lots of water, salads and fruits.

5. Controlling Room Temperature:- The dry air during winter season can make your skin worst, therefore it is better to maintain humidity inside your living space, prefereably with a humidifier.

Avoid Seasonal Skin Complaints With Winter Rejuvenation

Along with emotional issues such as mood swings and the urge to hibernate, the dark winter months also bring changes in the look and feel of an individual’s skin due to the wind and coldness of the late fall and winter months.

Cold weather can wreak havoc on a person’s skin, including dry chapped lips, wind-burned cheeks and shedding skin from exposure to different temperatures. Women spend countless hours trying to reverse those harmful winter effects with lotions, skin sloughing and trying to increase the humidity in their houses. And all of that drying and rubbing can speed up the aging process, eventually producing wrinkles and loose skin.

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As we age, we may begin to experience sagging skin around the neck and jaw line, new wrinkles on our faces, and even unwelcome excess skin from working to get back into shape and dropping some weight after that winter hibernation. This increasing inelasticity in our skin is a natural part of aging, but it’s not necessarily a change we need to live with forever.

Over the years, men and women have tried to combat these kinds of skin issues with injections of invasive treatments like Botox or even surgical facelifts. The results can sometimes lead to a less than satisfying appearance, because these procedures can occasionally leave an unnatural appearance and obvious signs of facial work.

The skin tightening treatment employs a special high-technology head on the laser device that enables the energy to safely penetrate your skin, heating the collagen to allow it to take on more defined shape over a period of time. At the same time, the deep heating generated by the treatment tightens the skin tissue. The special head actively cools the surface of your skin while it heats the area beneath the skin, so it minimizes or entirely eliminates any discomfort that might otherwise result from the heating process.

The clinician even can adjust the amount of cooling to correspond with each individual patient’s sensitivity to heat. The result is a comfortable treatment that starts restoring a more youthful appearance by increasing the elasticity and firmness of the collagen in your skin. With the collagen free to remodel itself, it naturally fills in wrinkles and begins to return sagging skin back toward its original contours.

The best news about laser skin tightening is that it allows you to avoid injections and plastic surgery. It’s completely non invasive – your skin is never punctured or cut. Therefore, the risk of infection that is always present with surgery is avoided with laser treatments. And, again, unlike surgery, laser skin tightening does not require a recovery period.

Every patient responds a bit differently to laser-refirming treatments, but clinics with skin-tightening specialists spend time identifying your individual needs and any concerns that may exist prior to the treatment. The goal is to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the process, and the treatments are virtually painless.

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Once you firm up your skin with noninvasive treatments, you’ll be able to neutralize the effects of winter ski vacations, prolonged winter weather and exposure to a less-than-skin-friendly climate.

Aromatherapy Facial Rejuvenation: a natural face lift – erases and softens lines, smooths the skin, helps restore lost muscle tone, without using Botox or surgery!   As part of your personal rejuvenation plan, this powerful healing technique provides a holistic approach that treats the actual causes of facial ageing.   What should I expect in a non-surgical face lift treatment?

  • Facial massage can help slow the ageing process, restoring lost muscle tone and encouraging skin elasticity by effectively stimulating areas that have become flaccid with time and disuse.   It can also help relax tense muscles, such as those around the jaw and neck; and gently exfoliate dead skin.
  • Acupressure points are stimulated during your treatment to helps drain toxin away by encouraging blood and lymph circulation of face, neck and skull.
  • Essential oils used in aromatherapy bring vital nutrition to skin cells restoring balance, correcting damage and encouraging healing

Your First Treatment: will concentrate on your main concerns such as  crows feet –  the lifting massage technique  restores the skins suppleness by toning the collagen and elastin fibres smoothing  fine lines; or deep cleansing and exfoliating – with a traditional ayuverdic “ubtan” and finishing with a relaxing marma point massage.   You will also receive advice on pure oils and creams to incorporate into your regime to help œfix the treatment.

New Year, New Skin, New You: the difference in your skin tone and texture will be noticeable after your first treatment but a course of 5 weekly treatments is recommended to start with.   Followed by top up treatments fortnightly or monthly (for more details and results see testimonial