With the changing pace of this world, people these days are more attracted to shortcuts. Anything and everything that requires little or no effort attract people these days. So is the case with weight loss. Everybody wants to lose weight, but nobody wants to put in efforts. This is why people are more prone to believe in tricks and ploys that ensures weight loss, but are in actuality of no use at all.

Here are five weight loss gimmicks that you have to avoid at any cost:

Weight Loss Pills:

Don’t let yourself be fooled by the idea that pills may shed your weight. People claim that these pills aid in boosting metabolism. But, in actual, these pills also deprive your body of some essential elements that may lead to serious bodily damages. The hormones inhibited by these pills are required for various functions and may even lead to malnourishment.

Detox Drinks and Diet:

It is the latest fad among all the fitness freaks these days to stick to one sort of vegetable or fruit for weeks or drinking different juices, promising to lose weight. Detox water may help you flush out all the toxins, but it’s in no way beneficial for weight loss.

In actual, your body needs different elements and nutrients to function in a proper way. If you are going to strip them away, how will your body balance up the energy required? Don’t deprive yourself of essential ingredients through this diet, otherwise being sick is your only option.

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Heavy Exercises and Dieting:

It is simultaneous to calling death upon yourself. Starving yourself the entire day with just little to eat here and there is in itself a threat to your entire being. On the other hand, pairing it with heavy exercises is certainly an indicator of rapidly deteriorating health. Most of the cases of diet deaths are reported this way.

Never exercise with empty stomach. Always eat nutritious food and do exercise that doesn’t give you fatigue. Ankle weights are a good option to have, but with only proper diet can you use them. Remember that most of the people will recommend you this combo for weight loss, but it is nothing but a gimmick.


These have become yet another trend among weight loss enthusiasts. Laxatives are basically used to cope with constipation, loosen stools and increase bowel moments. How on earth do you conceive this idea that they may help in weight loss? This is an entirely hoax notion, leading to various serious diseases.

No matter how much you are going to poop, you are not losing extra fat due to it. You will remain the same weight, even if you are taking laxatives. On the other hand, daily usage of laxatives may lead to excessive muscle cramps. It may in the end strip you off the ability to poop on your own, which may lead to surgical intervention. 

Waist Trainers and Body Wrappings:

Don’t fool yourself that body wrappings or weight trainers will help you lose weight. They just give you the perception that you have lost weight while keeping you in a certain shape for the time being. On the real side, your organs are under immense pressure when you wear them. And, you really don’t want to harm your essential body parts.

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Author Bio:

Ida Jones is a mother of two little ones. She enjoys home-based workouts, cardio exercises and long runs. She loves spending her vacations outdoors with her kids around nature. She believes in clean and healthy eating. She regularly writes about fitness tips and much more at Fitness Grit.