Family health starts at the most basic levels: healthy eating, fitness and good hygiene habits. Parents and family members who set an example of good health will find that children are also healthy. While families cannot completely avoid the occasional cold, sore throat or bout of sickness, a few precautions can minimize the risk of a family or kids in the family getting sick.

Healthy Eating:

Healthy eating is the ultimate foundation to good health, especially in growing children. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products or calcium substitutes will help children grow and flourish while minimizing sickness. Parents should provide fruits and vegetables as snack items for children. Avoid the sugary foods or chips. For movie time, try low calorie popcorn with salt rather than chips or candy.

Children need plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Parents can encourage the whole family to drink water by adding a little flavor. For example, add a little lemon, lime or orange to the water for a splash of flavor. Always eat proper portion sizes. Children need to learn from a young age to balance portion size. Parents can balance portion sizes by providing only 3 to 4 ounces of any meat at the table. Fill the rest of the plate with vegetables. Children learn to recognize the 3 ounces as an appropriate amount of meat.


Exercise is vital to human health at any age. The whole family can benefit from family exercise activities such as playing a sport together, going biking as a family or taking the family to the local pool for an hour of swimming. The exercise keeps the body healthy while the time together as a family builds up the relationships within the family.

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Parents should plan at least one activity a week for the whole family and encourage children to play outside, join a sport or otherwise exercise for at least one hour a day.

Hygiene Habits:

Good oral hygiene is vital to preventing problems like cavities or gum disease. Parents should teach children to brush their teeth as soon as teeth start coming in. Brushing and flossing is the key to good oral hygiene and health.

Parents should look over different dental plans and find one that suits the family. Dental plans provide insurance to see a dentist and help manage expense like cavities. A dentist helps prevent problems like cavities by teaching the family how to handle weaknesses.

Parents should also teach children to wash their hands often. For example, children should never leave the bathroom without washing their hands and should always wash their hands before a meal. This prevents the spread of germs.

A bath or shower once a day is also necessary, especially as children get older.


The family that works on good health together will see amazing benefits as children and parents are sick less often. Every family can benefit from eating a healthy diet, exercising often and maintaining good hygiene.