One of the problems plaguing two out of three individuals these days is the rapid loss of hair. The loss of hair is not only premature but resulting in the baldness of individual. A number of reasons are attributed to loss of hair. They range from physical problems to a variety of emotional matters. For instance, long term exposure of the hair to shampoo and cosmetic products can damage the hair.

It could aid loss of hair leading to baldness or dandruff generation or hair fall on account of variety of problems. Extreme temperatures and the presence of pollutants in the air can also cause extensive hair loss.Similarly, mental stress and extreme work pressure also contribute towards loss of hair. A combination of all these factors can lead to cascading effects. It is often noticed in the form of premature hair loss. These days the trend of youngsters aged around thirty years completely losing their hair on the head is nothing new.

Premature graying of the hair is also noticed these days among people of younger age. A number of prescriptions are provided to avoid premature loss of hair or fall of hair. Some of these prescriptions also come in the form of medicine. But the best way to maintain healthy hair is to nurture the natural growth of hair. The hair growth can be promoted by using a number of simple techniques such as meditation, yoga and exercise.

The hair on the head needs the right diet, rich in protein and vitamins, for good growth. If these basic requirements are not provided to the minimal possible extent, the hair loss can be on the higher side. One of the best ways to maintain the body that will eventually assist hair growth is to carry out rigorous exercise daily. It has been found that a person has to exercise daily to maintain a slim and trim body, ultimately stay fit and healthy.

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Natural Hair Growth

Losing hair on a daily basis? Perhaps it’s time to do something about the problem. Of course, if the problem is really serious (i.e. you are seeing clumps of hair in your hands when you wash your head), it’s better to consult a dermatologist or a doctor. There may be health implications. However, most cases of hair loss can be easily solved with natural hair growth remedies. Here are 5 simple steps to promote natural growth.

Step 1: Take note of your diet and lifestyle.
Step 2: Exercise regularly.
Step 3: Make changes to your daily diet.
Step 4: Apply hair tonic regularly.
Step 5: Keep cultivating these habits!

Step 1: Take note of your diet and lifestyle.

You must be doing something that is causing the strands to fall out faster than normal. Are you exposing your hair too much to harmful elements like the sun or chlorine (in swimming pools)? Are you under a lot of stress lately? If you can find the root of the problem, you have a much better chance of successfully treating your condition.

Step 2: Exercise regularly.

Exercise encourages blood to circulate in your body, and that includes the scalp. The scalp needs blood in order to keep hair growing at a healthy rate. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, perhaps it’s time to do so. Make sure that you are really exercising and not merely strolling in the garden. You must sweat for the activity to count as an exercise.

Step 3: Make changes to your daily diet.

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Are you eating poorly? Eating poorly doesn’t mean eating too little. It can also mean eating too much. Excessive eating leads to obesity, which again affects the overall health of the body. Ask yourself if you have been eating enough fruits and vegetables with your diet. If you are eating poorly, that may be what is causing the scalp to function poorly.

Step 4: Apply hair tonic regularly.

Don’t just take care of what is inside the body. Take care of what’s outside as well – the hair that is on your head. If you don’t protect them with regular doses of hair tonic, they may be damaged prematurely. If they fall out before new hair can grow, you have a problem. For 5 minutes every night, make sure you apply some hair tonic to help the strands regain its lost moisture.

Step 5: Keep cultivating these habits!

Understand that it’s the bad habits that are causing you to suffer. So once you pinpoint those habits, change them and replace them with good ones – like eating well, drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of rest. Then work hard to keep those habits!