Making small changes to your diet can help to reduce your cholesterol along with the right nutrients. Here is a list of foods that help to lower cholesterol that are proven to be effective and keep you healthy.

Fruit and Vegetables

Eating more fruit and vegetables is excellent for your health as they contain no cholesterol and lots of vitamins and fibres. Blueberries are one particular food that has powerful antioxidants and is one of the best fruits to use. They can be a good substitute for unhealthy snacks like pastries and potato chips!



Walnuts and almonds are the very best as long as you don’t eat too many, perhaps a handful a day or 1.5 ounces a day. They help to lower cholesterol and improve the functioning of the blood vessels, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.


The advantage of oatmeal is that it is rich in soluble fibre and lowers your bad or LDL levels.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like Hoki or Tuna contain omega 3 fatty acids and have been proven to significantly reduce your triglyceride levels (blood fats related to cholesterol) as well as offering many other important benefits.

Today experts advise taking a quality omega 3 supplement to avoid the toxins from the fish and to ensure you get enough of the important omega 3 fats called DHA.


I have included these in the list of foods that help to lower cholesterol even though they come in supplement form because they are essential for lowering your bad cholesterol while raising your good one and compliment the foods above.

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Policosanol from sugar cane, D-Limonene from citrus rind, Phytosterols from plants and Lecithin all combine to balance your levels naturally and help you avoid premature death from heart disease and strokes.

The added nutrients help so much because only 20% of your total cholesterol comes from what you eat with the rest being produced by the liver. These nutrients help to reduce the production and absorption of cholesterol in the body effectively and naturally.

If you follow these tips they can have a significant impact on your health and well-being, and it is only a matter of making small and gradual changes to your diet and adding a natural supplement to reap the many health rewards.

If you would like to learn more about the quality natural cholesterol balancing supplements I personally take, visit my website today.

The Healthy Eating Pyramid

A healthy eating pyramid is a nutrition guide developed by the Harvard school of public health. The pyramid suggests a manner of eating where ideal proportions of each food category to be taken per day are outlined. The healthy eating pyramid recommends the eating plant oils such olive oil, soybean oil and corn oil as well as the eating of vegetables in the abundance intervals of three or more times a day. The pyramid also entails 13 servings of nuts and legumes with a 1-2 servings of dairy or calcium supplement. In the pyramid there are also recommendations of the 1-2 serving of poultry and the encouragement of a sparing use of meat and butter and refined foods like white rice, white bread potatoes, pasta and sweets.

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The dynamics that characterise the relationship between health and diet for the children abound. Studies have shown that in fact children in the entirety of the socio-economic levels are all susceptible to the dangers of poor nutrition for one reason or another. The factors that characterise the link between poor diet and disease range form the fact that some children do not receive enough of each day’s food supplies to the fact that most of the children are left ungoverned on the aspect of their feeding and food purchase lifestyles and resultantly children remain malnourished. Hellmich N. (1992) adds “Many other children receive enough food supplies but they eat food stuffs which are too high in sugar, fat and other components such as sodium which make them prone to the dangers of overweight and obesity and other chronic diseases”.

In addition to the foregoing it is worth mentioning that as the number of working parents continues to grow more and more children are left with the responsibility of feeding themselves on their shoulders and this must be expected to expose children to health dangers related to diet owing to the fact that food purchasing and eating habits of children are hardly rational. The other dimensions that have been up for keen consideration enlist the premise that there is an intricate link between children’s diet and their ability to learn. “The relationship has been realized for long enough now through anecdotal exhibit and even more recently through the evaluations of the outcomes of controlled research studies.” This has come as the reason for the further importance and reinforcement of nutritional education particularly for the children.

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The thrust of nutrition education has been revolutionized to take a grass roots resemblance with some nutritional education being given to women in prenatal periods. This has been charcterised by the emphasis of way in which low weight gain during pregnancy may result in the increase of low birth weight dangers (pegged at less than 5.5 pounds) of the new born baby. This is particularly important in the consideration of the reality that low birth weight babies are more susceptible to hearing, sight and learning defects that often necessitate the solicitation or more special education services. The special Supplement Food Program for Women, Infants and children (WIC) offers food and counseling as well as nutritional education to pregnant women. The program has also extended its services to the lactating women in low-income classifications.