Oily or greasy hair, thin oil is used, and frequent washing and good shampoo we also need to be aggressive on the amount of hair, and perm and hair roots and in the light of excess sebum to reduce the spread, And fresh and in an effort six to eight glasses of water a day to drink a lot of food to eat a healthy change and do more with less time to wash your hair in the scalp to encourage Trying to diet. Use oil-free shampoo every three days, and to avoid excessive brushing or combing. Hair that develops a lank, flat, stringy, or oily appearance is often referred to by hairdressers and hair consumers as “greasy” hair.  This type of hair is hard to control, clumps together easily, and does not hold a style well.

Greasy Hair

Where does greasy hair originate from?  Regardless of how or why it happens, greasy hair is directly related to the overproduction of sebum, a waxy type of substance naturally occurring in the body which is designed to keep hair supple, soft, and waterproof.  Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. The amount of greasiness that is experienced is directly tied to the amount of oil present on the scalp.  People with fine hair tend to have more hair than people with other hair textures.  Since there is a higher volume of hair associated with fine textures, there are more sebaceous glands and thus the potential for excessive oil production.

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Hormonal changes is also sometimes linked to the development of greasy hair and skin issues.  This is more likely during puberty than menopause.

Greasy Hair

It is believed by some hair experts that chronic greasy hair can lead to other long-term hair problems including potential hair loss or some forms of scalp breakouts and/or greasy dandruff.

Types Of Greasy Hair

Greasy hair can also be linked to the development of skin problems including acne on the face and scalp.

It can be generally categorized into two types which include:

1.  Greasy hair from roots to ends with greasy or oily scalp.
2.  Greasy scalp and roots with dry hair from below roots to the ends.

Causes Of Greasy Hair

Although there are always special circumstances, greasy hair can be caused by the following:

1.  Genetic predisposition towards greasy, oily scalp that migrates through the hair.
2.  Normal hair without a genetic predisposition towards greasiness that is treated with improper hair care products which cause oily/greasy scalp with or without oily/greasy strands.
3.  Lack of regular and consistent hair cleansing which results in the build-up of toxins, dirt, and other substances resulting in greasy strands.

Greasy Hair Care Tips

How often should you wash greasy hair? There are recommendations that it is necessary to wash greasy hair every 4 or 5 days. There are also other recommendations to wash greasy hair every day. We advise you to wash your hair as often as it gets dirty. You should comb your hair with a sparse comb touching your head skin gently (it is better to use a horn comb because it absorbs grease perfectly).

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What remedy should you use for washing greasy hair? Use shampoos for greasy hair only. Water temperature shouldn’t be hot (40-45C). In addition to shampoo, use folk remedies for greasy hair. For example, after washing your hair rinse it with a tincture of nettle, plantain, and coltsfoot. Take one tablespoon of each herb and fill them up with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let tincture draw for half an hour in a closed dish, and then filter it. Use a hairdryer as rarely as possible, it is better to let your hair dry naturally.

greasy hair

Masks for greasy hair. You can oil your hair with the composition of two parts of lemon juice and one part of carrot juice in an hour or two before washing your hair. But after washing you should rinse your hair with water at room temperature with lemon juice added into it (one tablespoon of lemon juice for two liters of water.)

Ashberry could help you to control hair greasiness. The raspberry decoction is prepared in such a manner: fill up 1 tablespoon of berries with 2 glasses of boiling water and boil them for 10 minutes.

The bark of oak decoction may help to reduce hair greasiness. To prepare the decoction you should take three tablespoons of oak bark, and boil them for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water. This decoction should be used after filtering as water for washing hair. You should use this decoction every five or seven days for two months for effective greasy hair control.

Here is the recipe of effective lotion

Fill up two tablespoons of linden flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and then simmer them for two or three minutes. Then cool and filter the decoction, add one tablespoon of vinegar or juice of one lemon, a quarter of a cup of calendula spirit decoction (eucalyptus or camphoric alcohol)